
EA Needs Custom Playsheets

Going into a game I feel like if we had access to a play sheet with specific plays, personnel, situations it would allow us to expand on our play calling more often. For example on 4th and 2 if I have a specific play I wanna run with specific personnel being able to just go to my sheet and call it and have it already prepared would be amazing. But no I gotta find the play, make substitutions, etc…and waste about 10 seconds doing so. I’m not sure we haven’t gotten this feature yet, the “favorites” tab is a good start but could be expanded upon further.


Favorites tab and this are a setback. Meta is already meta enough


Eh, it'll be run anyway, this just makes it easier for everyone, meta or not. Substitutions are a good idea to have pre set I think.


I think simplifying a game beyond the over simplification is bad enough. I like that my opponent takes a time out before the first snap because he can’t get all 11 safeties into N335W when I auto pick first play. Why would I want EA to make it even easier for them to get those safeties on the field?


Because while that sucks, it adds a bigger planning aspect for good players, maybe they should fix it so you can't have everyone be a safety first I guess.


I get what you mean. A few years ago they had standard packages you could change to instead of individually subbing. I get that it would be nice to have a play where all my TEs are tackles and my WR were TEs and my RB was a FB and I didn’t have to set it up every game but I don’t do that but every 30-50 games so no big deal. There are some formations where I’d like to have a specific player as the X/Z but it’s not a hard swap. I would take the ability to change personnel from any version of the play call screen. As in even in coach suggestions or recent you could swap a player out.


Agreed, you should be able to swap a player quickly for a certain play as well.


Agree...should be able to make adjustments (audibles and player package) outside the game. I would even be willing to pay for this ability...lets call it...Coach Elite upgrade to the coach card...drop a price on it and I would save up for it just so I could cut down on all the needed clicks. This would also speed up the game and be a win for my opponents as well. Classic ain't getting that.


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