I have had Rodgers for a few weeks but decided to try out fully powered up Namath this weekend. Namath missed several passes that Rodgers would’ve made in his sleep (seemed to throw behind my WRs too often?). I tried him, because I wasn’t having any success with Rodgers throw in the run, even though that’s at a 99. I agree PLE is all he needs to save AP. Not worth the AP at all on him.
I've actually always used GS + HRM on Rodgers. I'll have to try and test out Pass Lead Elite instead of Gunslinger and report back.
Edited by yip_jumpmusic
I've seen some pretty wild gameplay footage of the new Combine Cam Newton. I'm sure he's incredible on a Pats theme team. Right now I'm running a Raiders/Pats 35/15 theme team. So far I haven't run into him online. I'd say that OOP Henry, Vick, Hurts, Namath, and Wilson are the most common QBs I play against online.
Slinger 1 doesnt require gunslinger, but Pass Lead Elite is still a must have. Thats why people would still use Derrick Henry if there was a tournament going on. Escape Artist + Pass Lead Elite is still OP
Have you tried Namath? Just asking because I might want this Rodgers. I got the coin. I like to scramble a little bit, but I’m mostly a pocket passer. Can her get outside the pocket?
Yes i used Namath.And differnce is huge.Talk about namath being same as rodgers is by those who cant afford and just to feel good.Yes,brady won't run like namath but then if u r runner ur better off with Vick.Namath is no way close to passer like honors rodger. I have less bad throws since and more clutch play by rodgers.
I can attest to this statement. MVP Rodgers throws absolute dimes every time, throws great under pressure, and has enough speed to roll out or get you a 1st down. Also 60% of the time he will actually break a possible sack. I would say that easily I've spent the most time playing the game with Rodgers and Burrow. Burrow is probably my 2nd favorite QB in the game although I haven't had the chance to use his Honors card. No one feels as smooth as Rodgers does in my opinion.
I've used the following QBs in MUT. Listed in chronological order. All powered up:
I would say that easily I've spent the most time playing the game with Rodgers and Burrow. Burrow is probably my 2nd favorite QB in the game although I haven't had the chance to use his Honors card. No one feels as smooth as Rodgers does in my opinion.
I'm playing on the PS5 by the way so maybe there's a difference between how he plays on different gen consoles.
Edited by yip_jumpmusic
Edited by yip_jumpmusic
Great analysis
Thanks man! I've just spent a good amount of time using Carr's new Flashback card since I run a Raiders 50/50 theme team. I was curious how he would play in my system with the chem boosts and I have to say that he definitely gives Burrow a run for his money. He has 91 speed and 98 accel. The only thing is, you definitely have to put the "Let It Rip" strat card to boost his throwing stats. Insane when he's running out of the pocket for a Field General archetype and he's 6'3. Used him for a weekend and got cold after having a hot streak with him so I put MVP Rodgers back in. After using Carr for almost an entire weekend then going back to Rodgers really made me appreciate just how good that MVP card of his truly is!
So I moved on from Tribute Brady to Honors Rodgers, powered up to 99 I can confidently say you do not need gunslinger on Rodgers. He throws better or equally fast release that with gun slinger Brady .So save that AP. Also, those saying Namath is better yes for price maybe but in Rodgers you get what you pay for , all stats 99 much better than brady/Namath. I am having more success with Rodgers as i moved on from Brady. Brady with gunslinger lot of times was throwing bullets so fast for WR to get in position. Brady still great card mayb end game for pocket passer but if you want to save AP , Rodgers equal or much better.
May be players who run with QB , this might not be applicable but for those who like to scramble a little and playact ion pass Rodgers is best in MUT right now. I saved over 6 AP moving on from Brady, Now my 99 Claypool and 98 Marc Andrews get those Elite Out APs