
Oldest SB Champ

Won my first SB in over 3 years in MVP and I'll be 59 years old later this year. I got beat a lot in the lower levels but they keep promoting you so not sure how I won in MVP. Maybe a lot of the better players have stopped playing MUT already making it easier to win. I'm playing on XB1 so defense still wins championships. I actually got to play in two SBs because my 2nd to the last game was my opponents SB. I didn't even have my best team because I sold my NTL today hoping to buy it back cheaper in the morning. I'm running a 50/50 Cardinals TT. I did add SS Graham today and he had two pick 6s in the playoffs. The wins get more meaningful the older I get. I run nothing Meta just play my own game and run a lot more than I pass. I'm not into mashing buttons so I don't make any coaching adjustments, I don't set any audibles or make any subs, only use preset audibles and rarely call them. On defense I don't make any adjustments just pretty much run stock defenses no shifts or moving players all over, just rely on my user Graham and Simmons to make plays.

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