
EA’s gotta be trolling Eagles fans

I’m not an eagles fan and could care less.

But I just got a good laugh when I saw that they released a 97   Ovr Punter for the Bears in the combine releases.

While the eagles still do not have a Punter.

ha ha


You heard it here first... one of the Randall Cunningham UL pieces will be a punter. Im guessing the 88 or 87


IDK if the multitude of Eagles Punters thread is hurting us or helping us at this point, are we raising awareness or getting to the point EA is just trolling and will release one in May.


It's getting a bit ridiculous. I don't even want the damn card at this point cause it's gonna be like an 87 that's useless compared to PU Ray Guy. But still.


Quote from hoobaustank >> Another Eagles' punter thread

 I’ve seen so many of them that when I saw the bears got a new punter, I thought I should make another thread.


Another Eagles' punter thread


games trash whats new


I’m not an eagles fan and could care less.

But I just got a good laugh when I saw that they released a 97   Ovr Punter for the Bears in the combine releases.

While the eagles still do not have a Punter.

ha ha