Posted by Travis2334 Travis23346 years ago

Something petty that really bugs me about the new Christian McCaffery

So I've loved rocking this dude as my #2 to ricky all year because he is an amazing receiving back. So I was stoked to see an upgrade from his Ghost card, hopefully hitting 95 awareness so he can get elite route runner..... nope. Even fully powered up he only hits 94! And I doubt he gets any more upgrades, so he is topped out, and yes while an awesome card, I just feel like that is one chemistry he deserves to be able to have


Oh man, that's not right. Similar to Atwater only getting 89 block shed (though to be completely fair 90 block shed on any defensive back is a little silly).


Quote from jaybird13 >> If one HB deserves to have that chem it's CMC. 



Disrespectful. The guy had a monster year. Deserved better.


Beyond stupid that Ricky of the least aware players to ever play in the league.....hits 95, and McCaffrey does not.


If one HB deserves to have that chem it's CMC.


It's pretty sad, because guys like Gurley, Carson and Blount who are not good receivers have the 95 AWR stock.  PU Marcus Allen sadly is also one short. Tomlinson you've got to fully power up for it.  And it's looking unlikely that either Kamara or McCaffery or even David Johnson will get it.


That sucks, sitting at work thinking I'll want to also upgrade his Ghost card with this release. Had an amazing year so I hope it's not his last upgrade. Maybe a GT candidate?


Glad to see I'm not the only one a little bothered lol


Yeah, I’ll likely just keep his 96ovr because of this. With chems there isn’t much need to pay the coins without that elite RR chem


That’s awful. He’s clearly the best receiving back in the game (with all due respect to Kamara) and should be able to unlock the entire route tree.


Ea was probably lazy when they upgraded his stats. That definitely sucks.


Completely agree.This is what has kept me from getting his card.


That sucks


So I've loved rocking this dude as my #2 to ricky all year because he is an amazing receiving back. So I was stoked to see an upgrade from his Ghost card, hopefully hitting 95 awareness so he can get elite route runner..... nope. Even fully powered up he only hits 94! And I doubt he gets any more upgrades, so he is topped out, and yes while an awesome card, I just feel like that is one chemistry he deserves to be able to have