Posted by OutkastKash OutkastKash3 years ago

Best zone drops for running cover 3?

Having a tough time stopping those crossing routes and routes to the side line, cover 3 buzz and flats with shade to the outside helps a bit but still gets dotted and I have zone ko on my whole secondary. Help is appreciated. Thanks


I run 5,15, defaults. Not sure why more numbers are not posted here. I just started seasons since I joined late.have made deep playoffs runs. Good luck.


I run cover 3 and usually run at 25. 20 works too sometimes. Flats I’ll run anywhere between 0-10. Just keep cover 4 as an audible or other plays In case they run cover 3 beaters


Comedians all comedians


I run all my drops at 5, seems to work fine against everything except passing plays


My problem is covering the routes to the outside. I even shade outside and even when I play clover 3 flats they just throw to the area behind the flats or outside to a running back and if thats not open the break my contains consistently and run with the qb.


So still waiting for a viable answer and I dont care about the streak i user that myself


This tone (I could be reading it wrong, but...I read it the way I read it) should get you tons of viable answers.


Having trouble? Stop running cover 3.


Zone drops won’t help if they throw verticals at you. That’s the real risk of playing cover 3