Posted by cowboys1570 cowboys15703 years ago

its so sad n pathetic how so many people just copy each other n cant think for themselves...

u all suck who do this...u know u do this is why u copy everyone else....


I played a guy yesterday drove me nuts where his guys Rb and te couldn’t be manned up! It would put two of my coverage guys in spy! I physically tried to man the spies and the rb/te weren’t on the list of options, it only showed two wrs! Then I switched to zone and the guy still picked me apart! Quit down 28-17 in the third! I know he audibles everything time so maybe it’s something to do with the formation he audibles to, a pistol formation

Edited by RandyO07


It’s a copycat league?


Some guys try to play the game without thinking. I don't begrudge anyone using a "scheme" or general approach borrowed from a pro player or content creator, but you have to adapt that scheme in-game in order to become a good player. If you run one specific defense and a guy starts torching you, you need to be able to adjust. I just played a guy who was running 3-3-5 Wide, but switching between Cover 2, Mike Blitz 3, Mike Blitz 0, and even an occasional Cover 4 to throw me off. It was tough for me for the first half of the game, but I started reading his tells and realizing he was sometimes dropping 9 into coverage. So I started putting my TE on a little curl in the middle of the field, rolling out and throwing back to him. Then, when I knew he'd user that, I had a Texas route to my HB coming in behind that curl. I threw the game-winning TD to that Texas route.

It's not about borrowed schemes, my man, it's about how you use them. If you can adapt, you'll be a good Madden player. If you can't, you won't, no matter how good a "scheme" you have.


I troll the crap out of 'em. Every time, I get the ball, I showboat by the goaline so I get hit, fumble, they score, repeat. One game my OP was up 104-0. The first quarter lasted 35 minutes The computer booted me for excessive grieving or whatever the first game, because I was spiking the ball, false start penalties, delay of game etc. So I figured out the dancing by the goaline method. I got matched up with him again, he quit up 21-0. 🤣🤣 Teach them a lesson .My goal is to make the game last two hours!

Edited by thrasher3986


i love this yep, those who reply they dont like it r the ones who cheat n then tell you how good they r...but they toooo f'ing stupid to understand what cheating means...or glitch.


You have too much free time in your life my guy. Wasting two hours of your own time to “teach them a lesson”. If you aren’t kid, I bet you also are the guy to drive the speed limit in the left lane to teach the speeders a lesson 🤣


Naw. I don't do that. There is no meta while driving.


The same old pa boot/3-3-5 junk doesn't bother me. It's the junk that glitches out the AI and breaks the game. I can figure out how to counter any play but when you break how the computer plays there's no compensating for that. That's what EA has to fix.


Played against 335 wide in 14 straight games. Game is just boring


right it so sad n truly shows the incompetency of the ones who do it...think for urself u fools n run ur own plays, n then when u get lead on these fools they quit, not fun. i want to play football, they dont they hope for quits...


They are dumb people, but DDA keeps them in the game so they think they are good.


I said this in august. Begged for a cool down mode just think you have been going up against bunch all year and 3-3-5 it’s every game even the bad players spam p.a boot over 🤦‍♂️


Yea I basically gave this year up.. just hasn't been fun. Bunch pa boot over and 335 ever game every play.. is ridiculous. There's no balance to the game the devs don't care to balance it and it seems they are just caring less and less.. if they don't dramatically change physics or gameplay next game then it'll be the first Madden I don't buy since 2000


omg yep like every frickin game, its pathetic................


EA needs separate lobbies, it’s time. One for the pros. One for the wannabe pros. One for people want to experiment and play a real football experience.


and 1 for TT

Sounds like my guy got his cheeks clapped.


they all run the same plays, use the same players, when u get 7-10 point lead on them they all quit. or they do everything possible to cheat n glitch out the ai n then they think they r good. and ea next year needs to get rid of the safeties being used in every formation where linebackers play in nickel, dime in real life. this sheeeet aint never ever ever ever ever see 4 or 5 safeties on the field same time every play, make these loserssssssssss use linebackers...oh wait they tooo stupid to do this, my year dont even offer a playbook, these clowns just get 3 plays on offense n defense since this is all they do anyway........those who do this u all suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, n quit when ur stoopped which make it boring no fun game............


It’s sad and pathetic that WL is full of cheaters


The top 100 WL players are mostly cheaters and EA don’t do anything 🤣


yep they all suck suck suck n ruin it for those who actually want to enjoy football, they dont even want to play, they hope everyone quits from seeing them glitch out the ai so they just move to next game n hope he quits too. they have zeroooooooooooooo interest in playing the game, when they buy it the 1st thing they do is look for glitches n try to exploit them, notttttttt play the game...'yo yo yo this is ur boy look how u can glitch this, works everytime'.....................f u guys is what i think...


I agree. It's a flaw in the game that guys and use those formations and players and they can stop any power 3 te formation or 2te formation. We should be able to run all over that


Don’t mind it all if everyone wants to run the same stuff. I’ll only worry about how to stop it and beat it


It’s kids who don’t know the actual game of football and what counters what. That’s why when you shut down their one or two plays they can’t figure out why and quit.


Def gets old playing the same youtube/ebook/twitch plays all of the time.....100 agree ppl are sheep and cant think for themselves but also doesnt help how bad this game is.....i can admit im not very good at the game, i refuse to run meta, dont watch any of these bum "pros", but its all good lol these sheep arent good either

Edited by bbrewer23goblue