
Has anyone tried lurker on non usered cb or safety? If so how did it work out?



I had Lurker on I.Simmons ( he's my SUBLB ) and it worked wonderful for me. I now switched to acrobat cuz it's cheaper. But i feel like Lurker was making him cover a lot more field. And it was a doggg against crossing route. I was almost always using him tho


It doesn't.i had it on Ditka for a few weeks and I had no luck whatsoever


lurker doesnt do anything for safetys and corners its for line backers use pick artist on corners and safetys


I wouldn't say it does nothing. I've seen user db's with lurker get nutty animations.

Now, do I have lurker on any DB's? No.

Edited by natej88


ig i just like pick artist cuz ur dbs dont drop picks and sometimes catch the ball through the recievers body