
Anyone Know Around When Season 4 Will Drop?

Im on level 41. Do I have to get to at least 45? thx


Probably around the same time that I get my Golden Ticket quicksell packs.


It's definitely coming very soon so I would be grinding out those last few levels. You do want to get to at least level 45 cause 99ovr Davenport is excellent and plays great. You can easily get to level 50 in the amount of time just play everyday and do the MM objectives and daily challenges.


Hopefully because I'm level 23 still got quite a few solos I can grind


season 2 was the week before zero chill and easter is in 1 or 2 weeks and is a similar type of promo so probably then


i think next week friday


Sounds kinda early.


Nothing confirmed... but most likely end of April early may b4 we get it

Edited by legionofzoom1984