
Those with Crazy GT expectations thinking to get All attributes 99s...

...think again.. Apart from few GTS like SS Graham or FS Calvin Johnson ...most will be just usual 99s...not much better than other 99 we currently have....maybe better APs Just look at Earlier GTs

Some GTs will be crazy good but not all. I just see crazy expectations for GTs from community so wanted to share my thoughts..

Hopefully I am wrong and EA release some out of world crazy cards , better to expect less and get more


It’s all about them buckets, archetypes and some new caveat that will be super duper awesome!


The main thing about GTs now is that they get better abilities for cheaper. The years of them being by far the best are a thing of the past.


That is a great point.


One positive side effect from GTs is that they tank market prices as a whole.


I hope it tanks mcnair since henry is coming out, but I don't think it'll tank him that much since he's a ltd


Last year there were those training variety packs, from which you could pull GTs at a reasonably good rate. That tanked the market… the AH was full of cheap GTs which made people sell their 98s and 99s for cheap as well.