It’s Definitly one of the best ones. I have 9 attavagany eggs. Best one so far is the blue with the berries. I heard someone say they think it’s barry
Good for you man I wish I had luck like you pulled three larges and got all large
I need this egg 😭
Thats Wierd !! so you bought a large Egg pack and you got an Extravagant ?
That's Reggie White. Says minister and "the fence"
So you pulled this out of a pack ? which pack , i though eggs can only be earned playing Solos
i think theres only 4 with that qs value the crown one. blue one with berries . just red one. and the one u have so tied for most rare?
Got this one
the QS value has me amped.. Has it been pulled alot today
The other was the Purple 30 one with the Compass QS 21,250 And a Large Brown one.