
Sigh when the game comes to an end

It’s so tempting to sell off the team and just roll for eggs lol


Pretty much lol...just waitin for GTs and RPs if any interest me


I have found just changing up uniforms and stadiums gives the game a different feel. Try out the Seahawks...their stadium is great and the uniforms are really bright. Little changes can make a difference.


Literally every single year around this time I consider swapping from a TT to an all gold team (all golden tickets and ULs) but I never go through with it. My team just dies a slow death. I got really close to doing it last year because I had more money than I knew what to do with, but the GTs were trash.


Yeah, but it won't matter how good the eggs are if you no longer have a competitive team. In the long run after powering down everything, even if the eggs are great you'd probably only break even at best.


Gives ya something to do though if the game is stale. I don’t even play weekend league haha. I run a raiders rams TT currently and have problems with getting bored quickly.


Ohhhh I run rams raiders too. Slowly adding chargers in preparation for ladainian lol