
House Rules Glitch

Beware. Scored a TD on this guy. Game didn’t end. I have too much ego to quit, and the other guy is just weird. I ended up blasting him, pause. 1078 to 158. He proceeded to take all 3 delay of games with 42 seconds left. Annoying af


The games doesn't end after 10 offsensive plays as advertized. If the game goes past 10 off. plays, it goes on ... forever...


Just happened to me. Only thing I can think of was that I scored a rushing td.


1 game like that happened to me yesteday and i was blamed by my opponent

he quit and i got the win


Same thing happened to me just now lol I was literally about to post the same thing. Game took like 30 mins and the guy finally quit after I scored a second time 😂


I had same thing happen yesterday. Guy finally quit


Lol cool story bro. 1078 😂🤣😭.. get a job


Same here...but I gave up bc my time was better spent then finishing an 1hr + game


😂 🤣 same. I was like wtf.


same happened to me guy quit after i scored 3 times tho