The games doesn't end after 10 offsensive plays as advertized. If the game goes past 10 off. plays, it goes on ... forever...
Just happened to me. Only thing I can think of was that I scored a rushing td.
1 game like that happened to me yesteday and i was blamed by my opponent
he quit and i got the win
Same thing happened to me just now lol I was literally about to post the same thing. Game took like 30 mins and the guy finally quit after I scored a second time 😂
Same here...but I gave up bc my time was better spent then finishing an 1hr + game
Beware. Scored a TD on this guy. Game didn’t end. I have too much ego to quit, and the other guy is just weird. I ended up blasting him, pause. 1078 to 158. He proceeded to take all 3 delay of games with 42 seconds left. Annoying af