Posted by BabyKernAb BabyKernAb6 years ago

Any other players get a hidden super power when powered up, like Blounts speed



Quote from RickRude >> I quit when I see that card bc it’s fucking stupid you can’t stop him unless you totally sell out for run then guy hits you over the top w play action 

 I never played him


I quit when I see that card bc it’s fucking stupid you can’t stop him unless you totally sell out for run then guy hits you over the top w play action


THe thing with Blount is you dnt need 50/50 with theme. All yu need is 25/50 full sprinter and coach madden. Only Steeler that goes to99 speed  on 25/50


Quote from CryptoBlazerz2 >> Man the Saints have too many HBs with Ingram, Ricky, Kamara, and *Leveon Bell

But PU AD is tempting after reading this.  I have 40/50 Saints

 I have 40/50 Redskins with T2 Redskins Rushing Chem. I personally think he's great, the catching is the only thing that leaves a little to be desired, but he still doesn't drop passes.


Man the Saints have too many HBs with Ingram, Ricky, Kamara, and *Leveon Bell

But PU AD is tempting after reading this.  I have 40/50 Saints


Quote from Speedy4451 >> You need to have a theme team of 50 And sprinter maxed. So yes my Adrain Peterson is a super card bc he jumps 5 speed I guess 

 I was about to say Peterson too. With team boosts, even though his attributes aren't necessarily "end game", he plays like a Golden Ticket. That's my favorite PU so far.




Quote from Glock_44s >> Quote from Jaysick >> Its just a way for EA to bump up his relatively low speed.  Not a special boost imo, just an unusual PU jump from his 95 playoff card. 

 His question was if anyone else has something like that

 Yes does anyone else get a +4 just from p.u?


You need to have a theme team of 50 And sprinter maxed. So yes my Adrain Peterson is a super card bc he jumps 5 speed I guess


Quote from Jaysick >> Its just a way for EA to bump up his relatively low speed.  Not a special boost imo, just an unusual PU jump from his 95 playoff card. 

 His question was if anyone else has something like that


Its just a way for EA to bump up his relatively low speed.  Not a special boost imo, just an unusual PU jump from his 95 playoff card.


Anyone know?


Quote from Xjmoneyx >> What do you mean?? Blount doesn’t get a speed boost on any of his cards

Yes he does, the hb gets like +5 speed on p.u


What do you mean?? Blount doesn’t get a speed boost on any of his cards