Posted by HTTRxCats HTTRxCats6 years ago

Post your House Rule pack result here

Haven’t gotten around to finishing the ten games, interested in hearing who everybody got. Hopefully can use it for motivation to do it lol

who we’re your three choices? Who did you choose?


Harrison Smith, John Johnson and D. Henry.

already have D.Henry so I went with Harrison. Been running Dawkins for months - see how he compares


Yup and Decastro hits the threshold for lead the way chem too, Yanda does not. They both have almost exact same stats and both are over 300 pounds.


Staley, Moton and Ogeltree. staley was the one that i wanted to get, so i am very much happy about this pull


Me & my buddy finished 6. Gonna do the other 4 TM. I am hoping for Harrison Smith or Kahlil Mack.


Quote from Colony >> I had choice of David Decastro, Malcolm Jenkins and Jaylon Smith

I had a fully powered up Toty Yanda. I decided to break Yanda down and sell all of his cards for 600k and chose Decastro as my new RG.

Hell yea

Smart move. Free RG and you made coins lol!


I had choice of David Decastro, Malcolm Jenkins and Jaylon Smith

I had a fully powered up Toty Yanda. I decided to break Yanda down and sell all of his cards for 600k and chose Decastro as my new RG.

Hell yea


Xavien Howard, Humphrey, john johnson

gonna sleep on it.  Likely will go Howard


Blake Martinez, Kenny Golladay, Demario Davis

Took Galloday, his stats are sick. Too bad I'm so stacked at WR. Those two other MLB were pretty trash imo. Their stats are so bad.


T Kelce, D Watson, the tool from the Patriots

Went Kelce.


JPP , Shaq Mason, and Demario Davis. Quicksold After selecting. I have an auctionable Kelce in my binder but was really hoping for that to be one of my selections.

mixon, ebron and mack. took mack


Garbage trolls playing Madden irritate... To play in duo and purposefully botch the first half then quit out is BS. This has happened twice now when finding a random, shit isnt worth the headache IMO. Unless you have a trustworthy teammate of course..


They gave me the lags left guard keenan allan and colts tight end.. went with k allen...


Update, finally finished. Had a choice of Kelce Bitonio and Whitehead. Chose Kelce


Kelce, Jaylon Smith and I don't remember the third one. I picked Kelce (I had his 94 PU already).


I got LT Staley, FS Smith and SS Bethea. Took Staley.


Quote from bobbydang >> Quote from lacedup18 >> Jaylon Smith, Martinez and carson

 Hope you picked the predator...

 Who’s that? I pickd jaylon. Hey all sucked really


Quote from lacedup18 >> Jaylon Smith, Martinez and carson

 Hope you picked the predator...


Quote from OoTRILLVILLEoO >> Just lost in my 9th win game because my bitch ass autistic teammate was making his own routes on my checkdown route receiver....soooo fkn pissed rn. That was like 4 hours wasted 

 And this is why I would never do this with randoms


Just lost in my 9th win game because my bitch ass autistic teammate was making his own routes on my checkdown route receiver....soooo fkn pissed rn. That was like 4 hours wasted