Friggin dolphins upside down one. Used candy to get my guaranteed extravagant. Quicksold to try my luck with a large egg and got the same damn dolphin egg. I wasn't going to do any eggs other than the ones from the hunt. I have been cashing in, in other ways. Finally said screw it and gave it a go only for this result 😂 If you people only knew the pattern of this that has followed me for the last 20 lol. EA can kiss __ ___ (fill in the blank)
Is there a new one-time offer for this weeks release? Like if I bought it last weekend can I buy the eggstravagant again?
Just got one with a compass pointing East with a number 30 not sure what that is
Compass pointing west. Everyone thinks it's Chris westrynof the Ravens. 6'4 Corner
Did the one time offer for candy, only time I bought an egg. Got the redux one. Got a couple smalls and a medium from solos and house rules as well. No larges for me.
If you pulled the 1 time offer one again
Pulled another Woodson egg myself
Currently have crown, Barry, UL, redux, westry, and 2 woodson