There is a sliding factor for-sure and as if you never seen IRL a kicker misses or gets a blocked kick for the win?! Complain about when your WR is wide open and your 99 QB over throws hime right into the safty hands now that is bs
I gotta clip going up on my account next week showing a real way how to block a kick ( next gen ) in which I did and I pick up the ball and run it in for a touchdown after the block and no it’s not the glitch i’ve blocked so many kicks because I know how to time it when the kickers ability flashes as you will see in the clip and then I’ll post what happened to me a few weeks ago where the game was on the line for the win and the guy (kicker) just stood frozen as the kick was blocked . Now someone explain to me how or why at this particular moment was this able to happen 🤷♂️
First I want to mention this is a dumb thread - out of all the things to complain about why the slow kick animation?
Second there is a lack of knowledge in this thread by more than a few people. I don't really care about the topic but I do want to show the people trolling Dreverse that they are the ones that are far in the wrong (even though the topic is dumb).
So time for a small lesson on this animation...
The slow animation for kicks has been part of madden since at least 17 - maybe it was there before but it happened so much in m17 that is the year everyone noticed. When I was in tourneys we "labbed" it. So after a few tourneys we all agreed and the fix worked... That year you didn't get the slow kick animation if you barely put power on your extra points. So everyone was going a half meter up. Go youtube games from that year.
Madden 18 they came out with the "perfect kick" where you were never supposed to get the animation if you had a perfect kick. EA obviously didn't like our work around. So the guys saying "I've never seen this. Dreverse is a fool."... well why did EA tell everyone that they would get the animation less if they had a perfect kick?
It is also the year I was in most tournaments. And guess what? Kicking perfect helped. But even though EA explicitly said the animation wouldn't come from perfect kicks, it did especially to really good players. At one point I won 498 out of 500 games and was seeing it every 2-3 games - even with 99 FK/CK and kicking perfect. My banner at the top would say Perfect Kick... and boom slow kick animation. Also sure you can youtube this.
M19/22 - It is still supposed to matter if your kick is perfect or not when you get this animation. So unless you are a solo player you should have seen this in h2h, unless you just don't understand the timing to see these things. What do I think about the animation this year? Honestly I could care less. First I can't kick perfect because my kicker with FK has their kick meter randomly jumping 70% and the other 30% I suck because looking for the jumpy bar. I have had like 2 kicks blocked all year, both got the animation. Neither mattered. Going back to m17-18 there was a point were blocks were every couple games. I don't see that this year (not counting current gen glitch).
So the guys that have never seen the animation and acting like punks to Dreverse... EA has guidelines on the animation that you don't know of. Jesus. EA F'ING tells you that you will get the animation sometimes with an imperfect kick.
Edited by greatest____
All I Got out of that was, me me me look at me I’ve been playing since m17. That you’re deverses father and to stop bullying him. Also, maybe something about a punk 🍑 glitchy kicking type glitchy thangy thang. It felt very angry. We are sorry. 💆 Woosah 💆♀️
Dude you went off on him and you could have googled EA's website and it is in the instructions. That is the kind of person you are. No not angry at all. Just to me this "rule" of madden is common sense and has been in the game 6 years and you are acting like he is seeing unicorns. Such a dumb conversation and you showed your madden intelligence by going off.
Just to reiterate. Whatever you say to anyone about this game... they shouldn't believe you and you just like to pop off about things you know nothing about. That is where you are here.
Why would EA rig a competition? Why code DumbDumbAhh into the kick game?
You have the talent to troll which takes some skill. Calling Harry Potter "Henry Porter" or asking a Trekkie how the new Star Wars is. That takes some gumption to come to this forum day in and out and incessantly ramble that you know everything by clearly demonstrating that you're either a troll or common sense isn't your strong suit.
Maybe your next thread will be a good one. ✌️
Yeah I do remember the Young Kiv game. Definitely disappointing
Yup that’s the year they put it in the game. Tuned it down after but it’s still in the game it’s another part of the cheat code . I had a game where all I needed was the kick to win and that block animation happened dude wasn’t even playing because he didn’t know the cheat / Dda/ whatever you wanna call it would kick in But there my kicker was just staring at the ball slumped over not moving.
So question is … why did this happen 🤷♂️ If he wasn’t even playing 🤷♂️ also why hasn’t E A ever talk about this in their game still 🤷♂️
I have to say, after all your threads and post and evidence that you provide for the people on here to read and see, you still come back and post but you know they don’t care to see or read you’re post other than to tell you to buzz off lol. Again, why do you waste your time and try and explain yourself on these post, knowing the outcome? We all know Madden is broken and isn’t going to be fixed no time soon, not even Madden 23 either i bet. EA has no other comp for football games, so they are going to do the bare min and not over work themselves because they literally have the only football game out that you can play until another company makes a NFL football game. It is what it is 🤷🏾♂️
It was called jump the snap. If you timed it out right, it would give you the animation that allowed you to block the kick. That animation does make the kicker pause a little before he kicks. It’s way tuned down this year, but still exists in the game if you time it right.
Edited by nomiller024
Yea you are wrong on this. I have guys get this animation on me 3-4 times during WL. I have received the animation maybe twice all year. Those 3-4 times they are hardly ever blocking my kick but they still get the pause animation making the block 10 times easier.
It’s not “timed”, it’s an RNG.
Rarely its RNG, but there is a trick to get that animation, and like many other things in this game, its not logical.
Maybe you can get it more by doing something but it clearly happens on ~10% of my FGs. Most of the time the user isn't even on a guy on the line or even moving their controller so I know they didn't cause it.
You do realize this is an addiction, right? You are an addict. You and others have spent years saying the same thing. Over and over again. With nothing to show for it. No change. Nothing. Just think if you put this kind of effort into something real. You and the worst___ just feed the monster. The addiction. It’s sad. You two need help. I hope you get it.
Yawn 🥱.
I point something out something wrong with the game and you go personal . Here’s a thought 🤔 Why don’t you trying using the site correctly and explain why this kick blocking moment happens in the game.
Edited by Dreverse
Maybe everyone is tired of you threatening to quit/refund your game/complain over and over and going back to playing it now more than ever.
You must have me confused with yanks because he said in June over and over he wasn’t playing the game when it comes out and continued to say he wasn’t playing the game for many months when it was out while playing all along never once did I ask for a refund or other nonsense your saying what are you talking about 🤷♂️
No Dreverse, I'm talking about you. You've been doing this song and dance for literal years now.
Ever have to kick a field goal to win the game and suddenly your kicker won’t move 🤷♂️ the game has him just stuck there for a nano second with nothing you can do and that kick block animation is now activated, you know the one that cost young kiv in madden 19 thousands of dollars in a tournament then suddenly got tuned down in 20 but still happens frequently 🤦♂️ well there you go . There’s proof right there 🤷♂️ It knows the scenario and knows how to counter it and activate it. So you think that’s the only coded thing to go against you in madden 🤷♂️