I did them every week in the beginning and they didn't credit me for one week either. I lost interest and haven't done them since.
Edited by yanks8981
Also... they updated the rewards... could change but this seems like the final cycle of WCW. Last reward is for weeks 33-36
I thought the same thing last time I opened one of the free packs. I know I’m a week behind, but I thought Galloway, Gibson, and the others would’ve been in the last pack and they weren’t.
So what week are we on? I swear I didn't miss a week. I just finished Tier 32 and am trying to figure out if this week's players are in this set of packs or not.
If you haven’t missed a week you would of got the pack last week after finishing the the rising star solos. This weeks Flashbacks won’t be available for three more weeks
Beats me dude, I opened the flashbacks pack and was the previous release. I didn't think I missed any either...but it's possible and probably likely that I did...but watch out, some EA fan boy might jump all over you for asking.
If you are talking about the NAT cards Landry won't be available until this cycle ends. You must be a week behind to get that pack now instead of last week, so unless there is a chance to earn extra stars you may be out of luck.
SOB! I don't recall missing any weeks, but I guess it's possible...I never would have chosen this pack...ugh. thanks for the response though.
That's a bummer. If the team cared about player experience they would preview the pack contents before you have to choose.
No, I'm sorry. It is not EA's fault that he opened the wrong pack because he lost track of his progress. We have to draw the line somewhere with the EA hate.
I'm playing the Show for the first time and you can legit preview rewards packs and see what is in them. It isn't that hard.
Do you mean the free 80-84 and 90 OVR players that you can get by getting ridiculous amounts of XP in a game that has 99's in it? Did you know that until the very end you don't get to choose which one of those 90 OVR cards you get? Oh, you want to talk about The Show packs? Go download MLB The Show 21. Go check the pack odds of the MLB The Show Pack. Guess what, they're exactly the same as the MLB The Show 22 packs. Do you know why? The pack odds never change throughout the season. You have the same 1 in 50 chance of pulling an 85+ card now that you will in 11 months on The Show 22. We need to choose our battles with EA more wisely, because if we cry and complain about everything, and want them to hold our hand through the selection of a reward that SHOULD BE CLEAR TO ANYONE WHO PAYS ATTENTION, there is a 0 percent chance of them caring about legit concerns.
🙄🙄🙄 yes, we all need to stand up for EA. They get such a bad rap.
Go ahead and read the last thread I created. It goes over all of the changes I would make to MUT, which insinuates that there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed IMO. On the other hand, creating a thread about EA screwing up when they actually didn't screw up, the OP did, is counter productive. The fact that after it was determined that the OP was the one who was in the wrong, and then it was still turned around on EA is just ludicrous. EA released 42 new 95 cards today, 4, 97's, a 98, and adjusted the rewards for the draft predictors to be more community friendly. They didn't make any mistakes with WCW, and they released everything at exactly 10:30 ET. Putting out another hate thread with no merit does nothing but drown out the legit concerns.
Isn't Laron Landry supposed to be in the Flashback pack??? I just did the solos and it's Galloway, Gibson, Cunningham, Robinson and Hill...am I missing something???