Go back to the old scouting system. This new scouting system is so ass that it literally neutralizes the other franchise updates, maybe even makes this year’s franchise worse than last year’s. It’s terrible. All this complicated “Region Scouting” shit doesn’t make any sense. I just want to be able to pick the players I’m interested in and scout them progressively. I like the team fits and mock drafts parts but shit, it’s damn near impossible to understand and scout these players! Aside from the regional scouting stuff, it’s alright, but that regional shit is so bad it makes franchise itself worse
Make MUT H2H without abilities. People who are serious about the game shouldn’t have to deal with silly abilities. Keep that in the backyard game modes like SSKO and The Yard. The abilities are broken and cannot be programmed into an EA game without bugs and exploits
Better franchise salary cap system. Be able to restructure contracts to fit the salary cap and make it more realistic
Be able to trade more than 3 items at a time. The 3 asset limit is such a pain for trying to trade for big players.
A very minor addition that should be extremely easy: Add conditional picks. Conditional picks could easily be calculated in-game with their own algorithm (Like possibly OVR above 70 lost/gained to determine which picks you get)