And these arent even the goods ones
LOL at someone paying over 2 million for
Derek Carr whos not as good as PU McNair Justin Layne who doesnt even have 99s in speed or coverage and cant be powered up Tyreke Hill whos too short and doesnt have built in abilities his BB card has
I said this back in they announced them. I’d rather they stop putting OPP cards out. No one wants to face vita vea and the OPP cards. They should have to 2 OPP cards a year and they should be on the exempt list for GT (like retired players).
Edited by dudeman768
I would say he's a top 6 hb in mut history
Dickerson from 20 Ul Payton from 20 Bo from 20 Bo from 15 That harvest Barry Patterson
Harvest 18 Barry had a "bubble" around him when he spinned. He could spin right into 3 guys and they wouldn't even be allowed to touch him unless they had ST. And there were only a couple ST cards out at the time. So you had to pay money to tackle Barry more or less. Dickerson might have been better though but for like 4 weeks in m18 guys were running backwards and zig zagging across the field like madden arcade with Barry, and sometimes it worked because it would put 3-4 players in spin cycle on the ground.
We got roughly what 2 months left? Everything should be cheap and EA needs to lose their exclusive rights, lying mofos.
Pouring one out rn for my brothers paying 4-5 mil for these guys when they will inevitably be sub 500k within two weeks.
I said the same thing. They are going to put in the TVP or give solos for a free one, and they are going to be trying to sell them back so fast 😂
I'm not impressed with any of these cards. 99 ramsey is better than the Layne card I wanted so that's a bummer.
This 100.....ramsey, deion, etc are better and countless other cards on par at 1/8 of the price lol
140k Witherspoon is better than Layne. LMAO on people buying especially that card.
With all due respect, have either of you even tried Layne? If you had you’d know that’s BS. Hidden traits FTW. He’s the best in game. I’ve used all the top CBs and Layne is outplaying them all. …even Ramsey. Witherspoon is about the same. More knockouts while Layne is always blocking out WR for interception like Ramsey.
The card is going to play better for a couple weeks because it is new. When it plays normal to its attributes like the cards your comparing to... it won't be as good. They are not saying he's not good... they are saying for 2 million coins there is better options. Be aware that GTs are expensive and rare early on and then they are going to become easy to get and that 2 million is gonna be 500k all of a sudden... happens every year with GTs. There is going to be multiple threads soon enough people complaining the 2 million coin card they bought is now too easy to get and it's not fair because they paid so much for it. 100% guarantee.... that train is never late.
LMFAO wow I’m seriously done with this forum. So toxic and only a handful of people here know what they are doing. You people say absolutely ridiculous things about cards you haven’t even used. Good luck most of you will need it.
Common sense lol you can try to justify spending 2 mill on a cb with no big hitter trait, no clutch trait, at this point of the year he is literally just another cb i run a steelers TT and he wouldnt start over deion, ntl, c woodson, ramsey etc.....if you like card great but there is no way this card is worth 2 mill
The biggest thing for me is no matter how expensive the card is, the zones are still broken so I rather stick with the whitherspoon and the Ramsey’s of the world rather spending 2mil on a card that still gets bombed for 1 play TDs🤷🏾♂️
Dude no one is denying you are getting new card DDA. But Witherspoon's stats are better. Hidden traits? If you believe in "hidden traits", JC you better understand DDA.
thanks for the post. I don't know what's gone down hill faster: This Game or This Website?
Jus' sayin'....
I’m totally fine having rare cards in the game. The thing is you can’t trust EA. I could buy one for 3 million today and they change up the availability tomorrow and they’ll drop to 300k.
EXACTLY! I’m totally fine with saving up and dropping a million or 2 on a card that I need for my team. But they never stay “rare”. They inevitably release something that drastically changes the market and pricing. Last year I paid 400k for a Barry PU that went for 1k coins the next day. Never doing that again
Bo will be meta when he gets a UL
I got a feeling things are gonna change. They really messed up this weekend. With the almost no GTs available and the Jerry rice stat change. This is a PR nightmare for EA.
Before GTs even released, I had confidence in the idea that EA would release these GTs without the Training Variety Pack (TVP).
I think they eventually release TVPs and the prices will drop drastically on all of the GTs.
It's really not. Nothing will happen, ever. People going to stop spending money? No. They could put up a 12000 pt pack tomorrow with a random GT in it and that alone will cause GTs to plummet.
They have to address the situation at least. Maybe not. But I expect them to change rice’s speed back to what it was at least. Unfortunately, you’re probably right. They will do nothing and we will keep spending money. I think this really got under ppls skin though. They might lose a small portion of customers.
Doubt they fix rice. Clearly was deliberate
They can’t do that. They can’t expect us to trust them if they are gonna reverse stats on cards. They have to address this tomorrow.
Tomorrow? They're working like two days a week max in M22. Their team has already moved on to M23.
Because I do not want to deal with cordelle Patterson hb lol