
Game mode choices

Wouldn’t it be nice if next year they had more game mode options? Instead of just special HRs, have those all the time with the other current modes. Heck, add a hardcore cooldown mode also. Similar to other shooters/online games, give players more choices. I hate playing standard H2H; takes too long. Would love the shorter option of college OT, modified scoring. Instead of special HRs, they could pick different modes with content drops for extra rewards. Thoughts??


Bring back All Madden Seasons

Edited by googanaba


For sure; one reason I like draft champs is No abilities also. It’s a nice mix in/change up.


Definitely need it. But look at what happened with Draft Champs. That was supposed to be the next best thing and it didn't get an 1 update this whole year. I actually enjoy Draft Champs too. Game plays so much better without abilities. Just stick vs stick. But it not being updated completely killed the point of playing it. Made it up to top 10 before I gave up. If it's not bringing in bookoo dollars, they're not gonna touch it


100% on draft champs. My buddy and I love playing that mode-drafting teams and playing series. It is complete BS that EA didn’t update it.


these are all great ideas .if only ea listened to this community.


Right?! It doesn’t even feel like they listen to big name YouTubers or EA “influencers” half the time either. Imagine what the game could be.


yeah, i wish you could make shorter quarters and search for other people who want it


That would be cool; even different rooms with multiple time options.


yeah, i wish it was something a little bit more like mlb the show where you can choose a time and match with someone who wants to play the same time


Agreed; H2H takes so long to complete.


yeah, and especially for people like me who usually play for about an hour a day playing a whole game just doesn't work


Drop the quarters to 2 minutes. Games are too long.


It was like that at some point like 20 years ago (Madden ranked/H2H). It was nice; a couple possessions in and out.


I'm sitting out MUT next year. There is virtually nothing that carries over from year to year except for a very short leg up from the loyalty pack and RP being turned into a garbage program.


I don’t blame you; the need to RP is maddening. Maybe they will reverse it this year?!


Yes sir!! All Madden H2H and you get the W. I hated house rules last year but with all the glitches and AI manipulation in the game House Rules has been great. H2H is horrible this year because most don't start with the garbage glitches until you're winning by a TD or 2. Then you have 10 minutes invested in a game and it drives me crazy to quit. House rules they come out glitching and I just quit and move on nothing lost.


Agreed; I just want to get in and out quick with H2H.


I just want All Madden h2h, that's all. I would be content with just that


I would like this...anything offering choices is a good thing. I think you have some great ideas...throw in that "All Madden" one (I think that is what it was called) as well.


Yep; I mean think how Destiny and COD have so many modes available to you at all times-that’s what I would like.