
All Positions vs Defense on Defense strat cards

Can’t seem to find a solid answer on the difference between these two…aren’t they they same and apply to the entire defense?


An all position offense strat card does not apply to the defense. It will however apply to offensive players in the specialist section(players not in your starting lineup). Hope that helps

Edited by theoregun


And the same for all defense vs all positions (on a defensive strat card)




All Positions may impact if offensive players are on special teams

I think my backup TE is on kickoff return

Or if your offense gets an INT, the Offensive players use their defense ratings

Edited by jimshredder


Ah, that makes sense. Will have to try them out and see


I would think so...can you equip one and compare? This would give you a definitive answer, but I would agree...they seem to be saying the same thing.


I may try them both and see - good idea. I’m just too lazy today 😎


Lol...I know about lazy...I specialize in it.