Fucking EA never bothered to fix blocked kicks on current gen smh. Ruins the game so much.
Blocked a bunch of them all year there’s a way to do it without the 3 players with the icon above them I take the guy in the backfield I have a few clips on my page of me doing it
You have to get the 2 second placeholder not moving animation. I have gotten 4-5 blocked all year and the same exact animation on all.
I’ve only ever blocked 2 kicks on PS5 and they were both in the same game, returned for TDs and the second was a game winning return by Richard Seymour lol I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
Yes...Some guy did some crazy circle run with his LB to get a running start around the outside and easily blocked the kick
So of course I got salty and called him a cheater
In return he called he a fat virgin
So a typical MUT in game chat
Edited by jimshredder
Why would you call him a cheater for blocking your kick with a sweet user move?
Because I live in America and we have the 1st amendment freedom of speech, despite Bidens efforts to limit it
This. Next they will complain that hitting your RB in the flats is cheese.
Has anyone block a kick online on next gen? I’ve gotten the animation many times but never get a block. Just wondering if anyone else has?