I've been playing MUT for about 8 years and have been completely NMS for about 5 years now. For those thinking of doing it, here's my advice:
For information, I typically stop playing around February due to boredom. I usually have a decent OVR team full of my favourite players IRL. I put all my coins into RPs in June to carry over to next season. This season I've got 12 RP tokens so far.
I usually pre-order the 'best' version of the game. This is the only money I spend (although I concede it is a lot of money). I usually add one month of EA Play to get the 10% discount as well as the discount through MUT. The EA play trick also gets you a pack and some exclusive solos so worth doing. Remember to cancel it though.
I take advantage of all the opportunities early on to pick up decent starter players. The loyalty bonus players, the free elite etc. I also do the exclusive challenges early on to get my team as good as possible. The market is low during the early access window so I buy players during this period of time.
This year I sold my RP players immediately and made about 450k coin from memory. This was a good move.
I'm very selective when it comes to solos. I have a good look to see if the reward is going to be worth it. If not, I don't bother. I actually prefer to focus my attention on playing H2H.
I get my status to legendary asap using 500 coin packs. This can be done in the first couple of weeks.
I am an Amazon Prime member anyway so take advantage of these packs.
I have never done power ups. They seem like a blatant coin sink. I don't run a theme team so don't need to change team chem. Getting +1 to individual stats just isn't worth it.
I focus my attention on team building and abilities. I make sure I have talent in key positions and also pay attention to my special teams players.
I look out for bargain players who are outstanding at something very specific. For example, a pass rusher who is fast and great at finesse moves but who may be poor against the run. He would be perfect to sub in on 3rd down.
I remember that basically EA's matchmaking system is such that I'm never going to lose 90% of my games. If I started spending money and my team improved I'd just end up getting matched up with better players. EA do not want people to get blown out every game. The notion of needing to spend money to maintain a 'competitive' team is misleading imo.
I have a very casual relationship with the game. Win some games, lose some games, and make sure I'm playing with my favourite NFL players. Easy.
I've been playing MUT for about 8 years and have been completely NMS for about 5 years now. For those thinking of doing it, here's my advice: