I prefer the days of the super user back in M18 and M19. Before the user had the ability to shut down the passing game but that ability has been nerfed in recent years. When controlling a player on defense you want to feel like you have the ability to impact the game. Clicking on a player and pressing the catch button a second before the ball gets there is not a user INT. Controlling a player from before snap and making the right read and baiting your opponent to throw his favorite route and jumping the route is what needs to be brought back to Madden.
Will it stay that way when the rollout kidz/pros start to scream?
Edited by user789540
it prob won't stay like that, same thing every year, they have to make something flashy to entice and then take half of it away, after all this the endless amount of glitches start to ruin the game
they wont keep it the way it is
Yup your exactly right every single year everyone boasts how “ different “ and better than the previous then day one patch comes and it’s pretty much the beginning to the debacle 🤦♂️
Edited by Dreverse
Depending on who they listen to will tell us how far they deviate from the base of the games current state. Nerfing the pass rush or coverage would suck because it plays how it should. You can still pass the ball you just can’t sit and wait for a 30 yard crosser or deep post for 5 seconds. It’s gonna test the actual skill level of players until the pros complain they can’t run their schemes and they please them and then the sheep will follow.
Yup just like when joke cryed about gun slinger. I’m telling you just like every madden this game will not be like it is at launch in 30 to 60 days
Edited by Dreverse
Great to read a good review...looking forward to the launch and your review adds to that. Have fun the rest of this season and rest up and get ready for 23.
People say the same ish every year 😂 it's the same game
It's football. There is only so much they can do from year to year to make it seem different. Every game released annually will have the same issue. Especially if they are limited in their creative options like someone making a sports game. MUT is the only reason I even think about buying the new Madden. Before I started playing MUT, I wouldn't buy Madden until the next one came out and I could get it used at GameStop for 5 bucks.
Seeing a difference in Madden is like watching your kids grow up. You don't notice them getting taller year by year, it's when you look at a picture of them now and 5-7 years ago that it's obvious how much they've grown. Madden Franchise is like a teenager though. The changes are more evident over a larger sample size, but unfortunately it seems to be getting worse.
True but trust me this game is different. However once the pros and YouTubers get the digging it will be ruined.
Loved it much more than last years.
I remember guys saying defense was tough to throw against but I didn’t have the issue when I took what was available instead of waiting for a deep crosser or post to open up. My opponents paid for going for it on 4th and forever instead of being able to run verticals from bunch.
Deep zones matched and didn’t just cover grass.
Pocket mobility is vital, you can’t just run out the pocket but you can move the pocket effectively to give yourself more time to throw.
I might be done with 22 after playing the beta, I had more fun in those last couple days than I did all year playing 22.
If they keep the game as is and just fix the small issues launch should be extremely fun.