
Can’t pick a play glitch

So I had this happen a bit on M21 but I didn’t play m22 pretty much at all until recently on next gen and it’s still there…

For those who don’t know it will randomly just not let me select a play, I can pause the game and then pick a play but you obviously only get one pause a half so that doesn’t work too long….. anyone have any idea how to fix this or is it just bad luck?

Kind of pathetic we are in 2022 and a company worth billions of dollars can’t sort simple s*** like this out


I’ve had the kick meter disappear a lot lately


Anyone else having this problem?


yep been in the game for years.


I hate this too. If I noticed it happened to my opponent …. I just decline the penalty.


Pretty sure you still get kicked if it’s 3 times in a row even if they decline no?