
Leaked MUT Content and Info per @DMoneyMadden_YT

REMINDER: These leaks are not confirmed by EA and therefore are not foolproof. Also, even if the leaks are true, the content is subject to change (especially the player OVRs)

Lineup Screen

  • This screen is very likely the actual look with it matching the game's visuals
  • The player OVR's and pictures (Mike Evans for example) are very likely just fillers for EA to see what a team looks like, so don't expect to see 89+ Core Elite cards on day 1
  • While you likely can't take the OVRs and pictures from this, it's safe to assume that these cards listed here will get Core Elite cards

Packs Screen

  • The font all around madden looks a little nicer
  • No more boxes around the packs, the screen looks more fitting for our current time
  • Opening packs will be a new button (X for Xbox, square for PS)
  • Packs now show you where they came from (EA Play, MUT Rewards, Challenges, etc.)

MUT Interface

  • Same layout as Madden 21 and 22
  • Again just different fonts, icons, and shapes

MUT Headliners (Superstars) and Set Interface

  • The sets screen looks amazing, a major improvement over the previous years
  • Instead of having to exit your binder and enter multiple other Sets screens, now you can just slide over with your bumper and your sets are there (saves a LOT of time with how slow it's been to switch screens)
  • The abilities shown for the Headliners players (at least the low elites) are likely not accurate since you see a WR with Avalanche and a CB with Unstoppable Force
Headliners players (Incomplete list)
  • Champion L'Jarius Sneed (Chiefs)
  • Hero Kwity Paye (Colts)
  • Hero Gabriel Davis (Bills)
  • Hero Donald Parham Jr. (Chargers)
  • Hero Carson Wentz (Commanders, Colts, Eagles)
  • Hero Divine Deablo (Raiders)
  • Milton Williams (Eagles)
  • Elijah Moore (Jets)
  • Caleb Farley (Titans)
  • Jon Runyan (Packers)
  • Mykal Walker (Falcons)
  • James Conner (Cardinals, Steelers)

Outside/Inside Shade Abilities

  • These are shaped like X Factors with the diamond and 100 TP cost, but they're within the abilities so it could go either way

Dots X-Factor

Goal Line Back Ability

Gameplay Clip

Corner Route

DT Unevaded to QB through A gap

  • As you can see here, the deep blue zones stick onto the slot receiver, leaving the deep corner route wide open. This will hopefully be fixed before the game releases
  • There's much more in-depth visual effects when passing the ball, including some kind of meter when passing
  • This meter could mean one of two things: Either a bullet/touch pass visual aid, or a meter to determine passing accuracy like 2K
  • The DTs are easily able to slip through the A gap unevaded to the QB. This is a serious issue and should also be fixed before the game's release

More leaks will be added to this thread.. I'm working on it


Do you mean unabated to the QB? And unabated to the QB is an offsides penalty anyways.


Myth debunked

Edited by JJ18


I don't know, Derrick Henry is a 90 but his Core Elite is an 88 in M23


Yeah I was completely wrong lol

  • There will still only be 3 trade slots for franchise mode

Ah man, I hate that. You'll have a trade thats like 99 percent to be accepted and just a 6th or 7th round draft pick would push it over but you can't add it.


Yeah. It’s still unconfirmed and might be a last-second switch by EA but the beta has it still at 3 slots


Oh I hope they got rid of that dumb delay within the different menus or whatever. You click on solo battles too fast and it stops on solos. You click on outside run plays and it stops on power runs. Very annoying especially on a next gen console. Almost like they still not making use of all the power these consoles have.


I agree, such an odd glitch for a main menu to have, and it was there from beginning to end of M22. Hard to believe they couldn't of patched it?


Yes I know what you’re talking about. Them adding the Sets screen to the binder is meant to help avoid this, since for some reason the switch between screens is very slow. I’m very surprised the movement isn’t crisp and fast especially on next gen consoles


I don't like this out shade/in shade stuff. Just make OSA 3 AP cause route tech is a glitch for only 2 ap on most wr's.


Is purple their forever color?




Doesn’t the capturing of these screenshots go against EA’s “No Capture” rule?


Yes. Somehow he was able to get away with it for a couple weeks, however


It’s DMONEY he does this every year




I'll be honest, I'm confused by the Sets interface. If it was showing me that each card was eligible for X number of sets, that would be good, but I'm not sure if that's what's going on here.


Yeah it’ll probably make more sense when it’s officially released. Having to go through multiple loading screens to get to the set you want was always frustrating so I think it’ll majorly help to fix that problem


ugly if true


I mean the game interface, fonts, and colors are all but confirmed. It’s very unlikely that part is fake. However, the OVRs and player pictures are likely fillers put in by EA and not legit. Personally I really like he new look. It’s more vertical and boxy and futuristic


I agree but it looks a lot like that font is like the placeholder figures in CGI. Don't get me wrong I like the look but it looks almost too minimalistic.