I just heard from Madden developers regarding this post. They said “The Madden community is used to not kicking field goals until we give away a free kicker in February. They must like it that way or else why would we do it that way? Good luck making an extra point after touchdown. We suggest you go for 2.”
Madden developers have said they are finally ready to listen to the people that buy their game this year. Well If that’s true, I’d like to write a 2000 word essay detailing the things we all agree on. But instead I want to just beg you to make a good field goal kicker available to everyone right away. Please. Every year kicking is an issue and since I see the laggy kicking mechanics are back, we need to overcome your poor kicking gameplay design by giving EVERYONE a Kicker with a good leg and Focused Kicker built in. Flood the market with this. We all want even our opponents to be able to make field goals. It ruins the game when we don’t all have the same chance at kicking a field goal or extra point. I just played a game where we both missed 2 extra points because I guess we weren’t able to adjust to the lag on the swing. It’s embarrassing enough for EA that the simple kicking mechanic hasn’t worked year after year with no fixes. So since it’s clear you are going with the lag kick model again for some insane reason, at least give us all good kickers and democracize kicking, which should be a given anyway.