
Ive never seen something so pitiful from EA

After I got screwed over from the David Montgomery set, I messaged ea help and they said they’ve gotten several messages regarding the issue and they are looking into it and they have no timetable for a resolution. So I looked on Twitter and forums and have seen people talking about this since Saturday morning. If they are aware of the issue, how to they have yet to address it, let alone fix it, for 3 days?! But noooo, the second people start selling BND cards on comp app, they squish that bug in minutes. Even if there are other bugs to fix, why not at least address it on the main Twitter page stating they’re aware of the issue and working on it, but in the meantime, don’t attempt to complete the David Montgomery set, or just block it from being completed? So many options they could’ve gone with for this issue and they’ve just ignored it

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