
Sell 86 headliners?

I have a bunch of 86 headliners in my binder. Is it smart to sell them now while they’re up in price and then re buy hopefully in a couple days when their price goes down?


I bought a bunch for training on Wednesday evening for around 55k a pop. I didn’t quick sell them just incase they went up. I couldn’t believe they went as high as they did. I bought the two 89 ovr headliners overpriced at 375k a piece. I sold 15 86 overalls all at 100k a piece. 1.35 million after taxes. I paid about 775k for them total the day before. So 775k plus 750k is 1,525,000 total cost of the 86’s and the 2 new 89’s. So I paid 175k for the 2 new ones after it was all said and done. Hopefully more promos in the future are like this one.


See you sold them yesterday...think you made the right move. If there are any on the fence still...I'd sell. I suspect the price does nothing but continue down. Congrats on the timing...nice profit I'm sure.


When do you think the new 86s will drop under 70k?


My guess...this weekend or early next week. Depending on what Legends drop. The 86s are waaaaaaaaaay overpriced right now and reality will settle it back down soon enough.


I needed to sell last night but I also dont have replacements for those guys yet until I finish up the competive pass and get Lawrence. They kind of screwed me on resetting solo battles progress so now the earliest I can get him is Saturday when the market is sure to go down.


I sold one for 92K yesterday


You should have sold them yesterday


I actually did… now just asking if I made a mistake


Than you did right bro. I hope tomorrow at legends release the prices will drop for HL


No. If you sold them yesterday for around 90k that’s fantastic


I sold my 3 86s yesterday at like 8 am before the program thinking the old cards would either drop in value or stay the same... well i was certainly wrong missed out on making 20-30k per card


Sold wentz parham and Davis all for 91k a pop