nothing for me
Un freackin belivaaable
My other account literally has the new obj, but my main still dont have it.Hiw incompetent this team can be?
I loaded up a second account and they were there but nothing on my main. Same as the second set of stat challenges in the comp field pass. My main still hasnt got the ones from comp pass and they were added monday so i assume we are all out of luck and wont get them.
It didn't affect their profit as much as the glitch with the sets yesterday. Won't be fixed anywhere near as fast. So frustrating. Especially issues with the comp pass, as time is running out on that one.
The longer it takes to fix the headliners pass, the less value that free 86 will hold.
I got the new objectives this morning and was able to complete the pass by putting 20 Headliners in my lineup for 1 game for the 3000 XP
Nothing on Playstation yet
I got the 20 headliners objective on my list on PS5. You're not seeing it at the bottom as already completed?
What console are you? I didn't get an updated list.
Unless it's rolling out slowwwwww I'm on xbox and haven't seen anything yet concerning objectives
I’m on Xbox it’s there. Next gen. The win a game with 20 headliners or whatever is there so I assume the others are as well.
😆 🤣 y'all must be running a newer Series X because mine is still showing the same win a game with 5 HL on your team...
Or even mentioned it? They're finding new ways to suck everyday