
Companion app ban?

When i try to search for cards, it tell me my acces was denied.I am not a big sniper and i use the app only from tine to time.Am i banned or its another ea sports bug?


Its happening again.I am not banned in the game(nor should i have any reasons to be) but the app says my acces is denied


I think you got a 24 hour ban or a 1 week companion app only ban. I’ve gotten that before, and then it was unlocked


Funny how at some point started working afain and now its says locked once more


Bro you just gotta close the app and restart it. It kinda “bogs out” after you stop using it or if you have it open for a while. The access denied thing is just what it says when it’s not connecting to the server.


Tried to contact ea, they said its a known issue but again, those guys dont actually know what we arebtalking about, most of the tiime




Console is fine, no problem


Hard to say...if possible I would try and log into your console to see what the deal is. Hopefully it is just a problem with the app.