

We're trying something new here this year! We'll have you pick the winners of NFL Games every week in the comments below!

How it Works:

  • The one (1) winner will be the person who gets the most winners correct. You do not need to predict the scores. There is no penalty for picking the wrong team, so be sure to pick a winner for every game.

  • In the event of a tie, we will ask the tied members to each predict the upcoming Thursday Night Football game, and determine a winner from there.


  • Assuming we get at least 20 entries, the winner will receive a MUT23 player of their choice. Otherwise, the winner will receive MHC.


  • One (1) entry per person
  • No alternate accounts allowed
  • Accounts must be at least 60 days old
  • No edits please. If you need to change something, comment it as a reply. Edits will disqualify your entry if they are after the games start.
  • This thread will lock at 8:20 PM EST on Thursday, September 8th. Be sure to get your picks in!

For each NFL game this week, post your NFL Picks in the following format (copy and paste the template and insert your winners please!):

Bills vs Rams:

Browns vs Panthers:

Saints vs Falcons:

49ers vs Bears:

Steelers vs Bengals:

Colts vs Texans:

Ravens vs Jets:

Eagles vs Lions:

Patriots vs Dolphins:

Jaguars vs Commanders:

Chiefs vs Cardinals:

Packers vs Vikings:

Raiders vs Chargers:

Giants vs Titans:

Buccaneers vs Cowboys:

Broncos vs Seahawks:

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