Just be glad the same stooges are not responsible for your bank’s security system
I took time off after m20 and came back this year. Maybe I should have stayed away longer........
Is old code stacked ontop of old code each year 🤷
Source: me, who can barely log onto internet explorer on his computer.
MUT is a we browser add on. Which is why it is slow, ot is never loaded on the the console..half the dam game is running from the cloud. When you play mut for hours on end, that data is cached away, with repeat access, slows to upload (send input to the server), and then return. Closing app helps release the data, least for another 2 houra. If you play at different times of the day, you will notice no lag or server load, Ex, I play a game or 2 before work, at 4 am. Game runs smoothly. Play after work, 6pm, congestion central, when mut is being accessed, everything is doubletime.
Just my opinion of what I thinknis going on in the client.
Can you apply to EA? You seem to know more than their developers?
Lmfao. I major in computers, back in school for computer science now. But I don't think that would be a great move.
So my theory (suspect it will not be popular): There is a lot going on in the game. Compared to when I started playing video games back in the day...this thing is like launching the space shuttle. When we think of all the things the game is coded to hopefully track or execute...it is not surprising when things go sideways. Now I know the internet and technology has come a long way from the Pong and the VCR...but still...they (EA) are attempting to do a lot. So I don't cut them slack (they get paid a ton and can / should hire the very best), but I also know...stuff gonna happen.
The h2h is frustrating at times, when you're going through your playbook and it just flips through all the pages quickly, stops on a play and picks it... I think my game is haunted.