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I skipped the last 2 maddens and came back for this? WTF am I doing. Stupid me thought that this year would be lit. Another year with the new gen and Madden passed away so they would want to come out with something legit instead they put out poopoo. I was wrong.
Well said. Gameplay this year is an improvement. But stability, glitches, and content updates have been a pile of doo doo butter.
Its unacceptable and the fact these issues just keep getting pushed to the back while they go to hammer new content I E a wr SAUCE card no one wants is just fuel to the fire stop releasing content and fix the damn game
I am not exaggerating when I say I get kicked out or stuck in a blank menu about 50 percent of the time I log on just to play a game will take 15 min sometimes before im in the server and just for you slow Internet chumps I have the fastest internet you can have hard wired in FIX THE DAMN GAME
Dude, on the Directv front, I'm in full agreement. I have Sunday Ticket, even though most of the games I want to watch are on regular TV. But they want to charge me MORE for Red Zone Channel. And NFL Sunday Ticket is the only reason I stay with that shit company. Once it leaves Directv, I am a ghost.
On the Madden front, I bet they're striking back at streamers for the pack strike, taking away the trophies. Like one streamer said on Twitter, "Nobody wants to watch me play solos. But you took away the reason for H2H with the trophies." EA knows what it's doing. Worst company in gaming by far.
Edited by BobsToe
I thought maybe this year would be the wake up call for them but I was dead wrong the only thing that will teach them a lesson is another NFL game to create competition its clear they will do the bare minimum until that happens
Edited by smkm321
One of the best posts in a while. Accurate, well thought out. EA should be ashamed of the product they have put out this year.
can you believe the mod had the nerve to lock it and hide behind the hurricane if that doesnt show you all they care about is controlling narratives I dont know what will its ok for the other guy to post bashing their fan base but god forbid you give any form of constructive criticism locked and demonized right away SMH guys how far this website has fallen from when its as MUTEVO
They advertise house rules even though no one is getting the correct rewards from it on top of that here's the kicker when I click hte banner to enter house rules my entire game freezes or crashes how can a company release a game in such a bad state
100.....madden has fell off
The gameplay is best its been in years but everything else is a hot dumpster fire I cant even go into the menus buy a card without getting kicked out or frozen half the time then having to restart my game the craziest thing about these situations is they will go on for weeks even months before they are acknowledged because EA doesn't want bad PR your customers would respect you more if you acknowledged issues in a timely fashion and made some semblance of an effort to remedy them no one ever gets fired nothing changes I bet if people were to start seeing those pink slips alot of these issues would magically get fixed smh
bring back the pu system !!
I actually think getting rid of power ups was one of the better things they did this year if you played MUT before they existed you'd know that they are designed to deplete your coins even with the power up passes most lost in the long run also now if you take a break you dont need to spend millions in coins and training to get the top version of that player
Edited by smkm321
They should bring back PU Passes that can be used to bypass the top Legend pieces in PUs. Would be a much better reward in passes than these stupid uniforms every few levels!
Why lock that thread? Because there is a hurricane? That makes no sense.
Ya the mod locked it pathetic this paragraph was well thought out and valid yet he leaves the toxic thread up from the guy calling us all morons for playing the game smh it's clear that ea owns this forum and will continue to push whatever narrative they please the facts still mean something to some of us
Ea's constant failures and the fact they have an illegal monopoly give them zero room to to use Ian as an excuse for anything.
The timing of the rewards missing seems intentional considering the mini campaign to limit pack purchases in their casino. It's obviously not good business practice to be punitive towards your customers when you put out a crappy product, but EA is just that kind of company
Its not intentional its lazy and incompetent coders like any other facet of business are not all made the same it seems EA just simply doesnt have the talent in house to remedy these issues we are in week 4 now and the menus STILL aren't fixed if they dont care why should we? How many times do I have to get kicked out and restart my game just trying to get into MUT
Smh at the EA shill that locked the 1st thread hiding behind Ian these are real issues and well thought out valid post this is a repost
We aren’t getting rewards we should of got . This is the whole point of Mut Grinding for rewards in building your team. If we’re not getting rewards why play at all? I know that 2 88s in house rules could really help me out in WL this week. No timeline on when we’re going to get the rewards are these cards even going to be relevant when we get them? I don’t drop a ton of money in the game so 88s for me are big right now . I have every solo done max stars. I don’t go against any of your terms of services I did my part and paid for the game with hard earned money. And you’re not doing your part in the agreement by giving me what you promised in the game. And it seems like you’re taking this very lightly when in all reality this is totally unacceptable on every level. I don’t care if you have to give multiple rewards to every single person in the community get it done!!!!! Yes I know there’s a hurricane and God I hope you guys are all safe. But in all reality these rewards should’ve been given out days ago. So now after the terrible storm after the delay will 88s even be relevant? If not it’s not even a reward. Not to mention the people that do put money in the game and grind it out they probably wanna quick sell those 88s to try to get Lamar or Justin Tucker. That’s a lot of training you have in limbo. That’s like me depositing my check to the bank and them saying we have no money tell next month can’t give you the money for two weeks. No that’s not how it works that’s all unacceptable . Are you going to extend Lamar‘s and Justin tuckers time in packs so people who are grinding and want to quick sell their rewards to try to get him have a chance? This is honestly so easily fixed that it’s so unacceptable that you’re doing this to the community. I have never in my life seen a company more poorly ran than you EA . You continue to set the bar for all companies to say at least we’re not EA. People have been playing and giving your game money for years . And this is how you repay them? You see what’s happening to DIRECTV with nfl ticket once they lose it they’ll be out of business. Eventually this stuff does catch up with you. I’m so unsatisfied as a customer and the worst part is I knew this was coming when I bought the game. So I guess it’s on me Ea . Shame on you guys !!! Simply embarrassing 🙈