We aren’t getting rewards we should of got . This is the whole point of Mut Grinding for rewards in building your team. If we’re not getting rewards why play at all? I know that 2 88s in house rules could really help me out in WL this week. No timeline on when we’re going to get the rewards are these cards even going to be relevant when we get them? I don’t drop a ton of money in the game so 88s for me are big right now . I have every solo done max stars. I don’t go against any of your terms of services I did my part and paid for the game with hard earned money. And you’re not doing your part in the agreement by giving me what you promised in the game. And it seems like you’re taking this very lightly when in all reality this is totally unacceptable on every level. I don’t care if you have to give multiple rewards to every single person in the community get it done!!!!! Yes I know there’s a hurricane and God I hope you guys are all safe. But in all reality these rewards should’ve been given out days ago. So now after the terrible storm after the delay will 88s even be relevant? If not it’s not even a reward. Not to mention the people that do put money in the game and grind it out they probably wanna quick sell those 88s to try to get Lamar or Justin Tucker. That’s a lot of training you have in limbo. That’s like me depositing my check to the bank and them saying we have no money tell next month can’t give you the money for two weeks. No that’s not how it works that’s all unacceptable . Are you going to extend Lamar‘s and Justin tuckers time in packs so people who are grinding and want to quick sell their rewards to try to get him have a chance? This is honestly so easily fixed that it’s so unacceptable that you’re doing this to the community. I have never in my life seen a company more poorly ran than you EA . You continue to set the bar for all companies to say at least we’re not EA. People have been playing and giving your game money for years . And this is how you repay them? You see what’s happening to DIRECTV with nfl ticket once they lose it they’ll be out of business. Eventually this stuff does catch up with you. I’m so unsatisfied as a customer and the worst part is I knew this was coming when I bought the game. So I guess it’s on me Ea . Shame on you guys !!! Simply embarrassing 🙈
Keep locking em it's a real good look for the forum that you need to lock multiple threads no ones lying here these are the facts shame on you wiz how far you've fallen from the mutevolution days
We aren’t getting rewards we should of got . This is the whole point of Mut Grinding for rewards in building your team. If we’re not getting rewards why play at all? I know that 2 88s in house rules could really help me out in WL this week. No timeline on when we’re going to get the rewards are these cards even going to be relevant when we get them? I don’t drop a ton of money in the game so 88s for me are big right now . I have every solo done max stars. I don’t go against any of your terms of services I did my part and paid for the game with hard earned money. And you’re not doing your part in the agreement by giving me what you promised in the game. And it seems like you’re taking this very lightly when in all reality this is totally unacceptable on every level. I don’t care if you have to give multiple rewards to every single person in the community get it done!!!!! Yes I know there’s a hurricane and God I hope you guys are all safe. But in all reality these rewards should’ve been given out days ago. So now after the terrible storm after the delay will 88s even be relevant? If not it’s not even a reward. Not to mention the people that do put money in the game and grind it out they probably wanna quick sell those 88s to try to get Lamar or Justin Tucker. That’s a lot of training you have in limbo. That’s like me depositing my check to the bank and them saying we have no money tell next month can’t give you the money for two weeks. No that’s not how it works that’s all unacceptable . Are you going to extend Lamar‘s and Justin tuckers time in packs so people who are grinding and want to quick sell their rewards to try to get him have a chance? This is honestly so easily fixed that it’s so unacceptable that you’re doing this to the community. I have never in my life seen a company more poorly ran than you EA . You continue to set the bar for all companies to say at least we’re not EA. People have been playing and giving your game money for years . And this is how you repay them? You see what’s happening to DIRECTV with nfl ticket once they lose it they’ll be out of business. Eventually this stuff does catch up with you. I’m so unsatisfied as a customer and the worst part is I knew this was coming when I bought the game. So I guess it’s on me Ea . Shame on you guys !!! Simply embarrassing 🙈
Keep locking em it's a real good look for the forum that you need to lock multiple threads no ones lying here these are the facts shame on you wiz how far you've fallen from the mutevolution days