
House Rules Completed

Ok, so I wanted to see, MAYBE, if I completed this garbage, I would be granted all of my rewards. THEM 88s would be huge my NMS team. The fact EA will be rolling out MORE cards today, this weekend, WITHOUT fixing this known issue for many, many gamers is absolutely BAD BUSINESS. IN ANY other industry if one tried to act like this, with a purchase, the business would not last. IF THIS type of NON ACTION from companies like EA, 2k and many more do not prompt Gov from regulating their asses, I am sad to say, Gaming quality will continue to go to the wayside. AGAIN, HOW THE F can EA put out more content, cards, but not fix the known issues for the majority of us, on top of the that we all need them cards, especially if you spend not real dollars. My last EA purchase is this Madden, Pray for Starfield and Diablo 4.

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