Just if you played nothing but House rules and GG solos it would take you almost a whole week maybe two depending about how much time you put into it just to get two cards mind you 1 you never got . So comes next week because Power ups in a longer in the game you can see the cards pretty much irrelevant as well as your time . 👎
Patience is what you are missing. Obviously there is many issues with the game. Just like the competitive rewards a couple weeks ago they will come.
I was done with on part 2 in a hour and unfortunately my competitive pass glitched out I have Tom Compton with 10 WL wins no h2h and just solo battles done it brought be to level 21 now I have nothing to grind my battle pass is maxed too
Edited by EPS1234
I actually pulled Bosa from the GG training re roll , also pulled Hebert and a few 88s. Sold Hebert, bought some 88s, built Dockerson. Bought DK
So let me get this straight… they role out a second half to the promo and give literally no way to get anything 🤦♂️ Omg . Wow
Finish the GG field pass. You get your choice of any 88 from either release.
Does this include the alter egos?
this is not easy to do bro
I guess it’s relative for everyone. I finished it an hour after Part 2 dropped.
No rewards , solos , HR …nothing
Am I missing something