
Ea messed up with AKA beast mode lynch

So I recently got Lynch and I’m baffled because Who would want to use four or 5AP to have an X factor for only three plays 🤷‍♂️ So with that being said they should give people the option to use freight train as a plain X factor or a freight train to start the game with and that one will require the abilities but let us decide because I can’t get it by achieving 5 big runs really not interested in the card now


Only special x factor I find problematic is the Kam one, because it could legit cause a turnover. With the Lynch one i know it would be dumb for them not to run, completely wasting AP so I just focus on a balanced spread out defense (depends on what they run out of) and patiently wait for them to run a few times in a row lol. Freight train is not as OP as the old days it might break two tackles maybe.

2 points

I had lynch and I really couldn’t tell the speed difference between the 87 speed Murray and him so I sold the card plus his catch is 64 so unfortunately it’s a L 👎


Yep. Agreed.


Yeah maybe get your facts straight before posting and complaining. It's 3 plays on 9 plays off, then 3 plays on etc etc . I run it on Reggie white for 4 AP and it is definitely worth it. Cpu getting pressure like crazy.

I do agree there should be the x factor non modded as an option. Like how Kam had reinforcement AND reinforcement elite last year.

Edited by natej88


Well where does it specify this because I didn’t see this info when choosing the xfactor

1 point

beet mode

-1 point

you get it for first 3 plays on offense. then you get 3 more plays w it on after every other 9 plays, and repeat.. this card an xfactor is amazing and worth 5ap imo. i use it and had a perfect season and super bowl W. would spend a million on it if i had to.


OK that’s cool but I don’t wanna waste 5AP I just would like to use ability as it naturally was and maybe in a specific game where I’m running good I can unlock the X factor later on.