
Am I able to play my purchased madden game for xbox series X on an older console aka xbox one?

Do i really need to purchase another copy of madden for my Xbox one?

seems like there is an easy solution that I am just missing.


If you didn't buy the all madden edition which includes both then you have to buy It again. You could call Xbox and they might refund you or dispute the transaction so you can buy the xb1 version


just to confirm bro, if i purchase another copy for xbox one my current team on xbox series x will it be active on xbox one?


you can switch between series x and xbox one. your team is the same on both.


good news


That one I'm not sure. I believe in 21 it transferred but that's when next gen was new.


thanks for clearing that up bro


Did you buy dual entitlement?


no, how do i do that?

this was an after thought, never planned on going to xbox one again.