
Would the pack strike end if EA did this ….

Let everyone choose ANY 91 player and remove for good tax from sales at the auction house


If EA cares about the pack strike, they'll keep playing hardball with the streamers (taking away trophy packs, pretending to ignore them), and/or try to make them happy with the Pack Affiliation thing (when someone buys points and the streamer gets a % of the sale).

But this isn't impacting EA. They're used to being the villains and have embraced the role. Game in a crappy state, most players missing rewards, constant issues... They truly think we're the 1% "rare hardcore players." And they don't cater to us at all.

Edited by BobsToe


I would love to see the figures as to how many people are actually participating in the pack strike. I would bet it’s nowhere near the amount that you all think it is. The content creators and pro players want real change, but won’t stop playing the game. No, they want to give the impression that they care, but won’t take a small hit for a few weeks of staying offline from the game. They are eating up making videos about evil EA and MUT content during the strike.


Do people really think this little “pack strike” is doing anything? There pack sales probably went down like 3-5 percent at most. There are so many little timmys still just using their parents credit cards to buy packs.


EA did 1.4 billion in “live content” in the last quarter. Their filings don’t indicate how much of that is Madden, but let’s say 20%. That’s $280 million. If they take a $14 million QoQ loss on content, it’s absolutely enough for some EA suit to miss his numbers for the quarter.


14 million??? Lol ain’t no way the pack strike is affecting pack sells that much

Edited by arts99999


Lmao let’s these kids think it’s working


You seriously have no clue what ur talking about. I also have no clue cuz I was talking hypothetical numbers and so are you. I don’t think either of us can really speak on this lol


My guess is people couldn’t stay with it. Just too much pack addiction and fear of their team being left behind if they don’t buy packs.


To early to tell but it’s common sense if people stay with it and don’t buy packs in about a month from now EA will have obvious proof. Can’t really tell in 2 weeks people have to spread the word and this takes A little bit of time so let’s see where we are in 4 to 6 weeks


The game is not as bad as you all make it out to be for the average MUT player. We can play solos, correct? We can play H2H, correct? We can play seasons, correct? We can play champions, correct? The store operates, correct? Ok, the average MUT player just cares about those things when they log in.


Dude this pack strike isn’t a thing. I don’t understand why people are against people buying packs it makes the market better for people that are no money spent.


Ok, Adam Smith… explain how this market is better for NMS. I’m curious how your logic is flowing.


This market is not related with the “pack strike” it relates with tpv. When more pack spenders spend money it floods the market with more cards which lowers prices. It’s the basics of economics. Prices are where they should be for early October. We got spoiled with low prices in the beginning due to training not really being needed for anything. If u can’t agree with this idk what else to say.


While CPT is similar to last year, prices are not, due to players quickselling for more this year


Dont give players a free card...give them a bunch of solos to earn one

And If they remove the auction tax...inflation would be out of control and players would cost a lot more

But they could reduce it to 5%


I’m against removing AH tax.


Why was the AH tax created anyways? I have my speculations.....

Edited by user789540


Along with packs...its deflationary to remove coins from the game

Or'd have prices out of control


I'd figure it cut down on card flipping.


EA is really showing their true selves and playing themselves at the same time with the stuff they're pulling. They need to cut the pack prices in half. Pack odds are too bad for how much those packs cost. I got to open a few legend packs last year but that was only because they actually gave out monthly WL rewards, this year I'll probably never get to open a legend pack unless they end up being in field pass at some point cause I for sure wouldn't gamble 100k on 1 pack.

Edited by deckj2

Not going to happen. I believe a coin sink is integral to a successful MUT.


EA would never do that, because the strike is not having significant impact. It was a good idea for the content creators to promote themselves, but it’s not going to get any demands met. They need to do a MUT strike for about a solid month. That would affect the store, the auction house, H2H, etc. Basically it affects the entire game. Just think if there were thousands less playing for a month. EA would listen because their game wouldn’t be played.

With the pack strike, people are still playing the game. Sure, some are refraining from buying packs with points, but virtually everyone are still buying packs with coins, so the auction house still runs like normal with packs being opened. Then you have the ones that say pack strike but have given up and are ripping packs with points, because they are addicted and have fear of falling behind in the game. It happens to everyone, you go on a losing streak in H2H and it makes you want to improve your team by ripping packs and bundles.


Good points


Removing tax would instantly destroy the game.

That would probably be the final straw lol 🙅🤷


How 🤷‍♂️


Prices would go out of control...its deflationary and prevents rising coin costs


no, content isn't the issue anymore. they are just delivering a disaster of a product. it's never been this bad. a lot of it is their poor communication and inability to address issues players care about.


I honestly think the guys with the million dollar salaries have gutted the MUT Team and left them with a skeleton crew in order to maximize their profits. IMO, the MUT Team and whoever runs the MUT and Madden Direct Twitter are just taking orders from their bosses. It’s not their fault there’s a lack of communication. They are told what to tweet out.


Nms and pack strike for life......gang gang


The tax is an AH deterrent against misusing the AH. It doesn't work but that's what it's for so they'd never get rid of it.


It’s stupid and a waste of coins . Say I wanna try Vik he’s a mil. I lose a 100k if I don’t like him so I’m not going to even bother now with that said removing the tax would open the door for more people to try out cards


But then people would be buying the cards for 1,000,000 and reposting for 1,000,001 coins all day long


they could do 10%, max of 25k