its all broken, cant upgrade your monsters even after you complete the objectives
The strategy cards are stupid. You can’t use them in any H2H. I literally spent most of the afternoon constructing my team around MF then to find out can’t use them
The reason you are confused is that this is broken. After playing around with it, I e realized that the objectives for the 86 to 89 OVR players are not awarding the right token. They give you the same token as the solos, which upgrade the strat cards. I managed to get enough stats to count to complete the yardage for Claypool. Gave me the same thing as the solos and I can’t upgrade him to 87. This company is so bad at its job that it is just laughable.
you use those to upgrade the strategy cards. Have to complete stats to upgrade Devin..If you can get the stats to record for you..
So I don't understand how these things work. Do we somehow put them on a certain player(doesn't seem to have any connection with my 86 Devin White). Does it work for all MF players in lineup? How do we use these things? The description on the Missions tab isn't very clear.