
Once again pick artist is the best ability

On defense hands down!!!! 2 years ago I told yall about this ability and it still remains so damn good!!!!


If you put it on someone with Play Pass trait, it’s good for the XP, especially in zone. Because this year players actually play a zone looking forward like they should. One of the many good things about the gameplay this year, to counter all of the embarrassing failures in MUT. Still, there are better abilities, it’s just with 12 points to spread around it’s hard to get creative.

Edited by MUTSG


Does it help with the stupid high passes


Heard tip drill for that. Not too sure


We need a AP increase


Use it in franchisem edit all ur CBs doe it so much fun! no ap abilities for everyone!


Very underrated ability I agree


yep, running it on champ and rasul. 1ap each.


What makes it good besides the obvious. Like I remember last year it gave slightly better animations. It wasn’t like a full on lurker or acrobat but felt like it was a half acrobat/ lurker type boost along with the better catching and stam


I ran it on my user on madden 20 and have used it every year since. I run 2 on my deep safeties and then the rest of my AP on pass rush


Yeah I get a lot of contested picks with it. Definitely one of the top defensive abilities. I have 1ap on Gilmore and 1ap on night train and it's nice.


Should I put it on Douglas? I never thought of putting it on my corners. Usually my safeties and user


I like it on my slot corner and a safety. Honestly you don't really need it on your user. If you user and lurk, you're going to (should) be in position and get the pick. It works best when you need to switch once the ball is in the air and need to make a contested catch.


I use it because I always get bad timing cuz I cover 3 routes at a time and sometime try to jump or guess a route but I’m wrong and still in position got another route but drop it due to timing