Honestly, giving these at at this point as BND is just an insult. The least they could do is make the sellable. They already have dropped to less than half the price they where originally worth. Now they are still BND. Honestly. Why even waste the time and effort to get them out.
It's crazy right fellas? 88s now are worth about 60k. If they would have given these on time they would have been double that. So they should be dropping 2x rewards now.
They are supposed to be giving an extra so if you were supposed to get two 88s you should get three. But being BND how many can actually use three BND 88s right now? If you were able to get the two 88 rewards you're probably running a MUT team that is needing better cards than the 88s to improve.
But they would have been useful 5 weeks ago or whenever they were do. My point is they should be doing something to give us equal value. Make them NAT instead of BND so we can QS them and get some training? Give us 2 BND 90's from the current promo? There's lots of ways they could make up for this particular blunder.
PER EA: MF House Rules rewards will be out on Super Bowl Sunday. Sorry for the delay. Please enjoy this 78+ MF Pack in FEBRUARY…….