First of all, who was the genius who thought it was a good idea to organize sets this way? They look like a mess.
What are the changes to solo battles this year? I heard they’re different than the last couple years and maybe not worth doing.
I’m lost with these CP, XP, and other field pass crap. What’s the most efficient to get anywhere in this mode?
What OVR are most teams in H2H currently?
What modes are broken and not worth my time?
Best BND cards or solos to build up my team rather quick? I need a defense so badly.
Does O-line finally matter this year?
What’s the cheese I need to prepare for in H2H?
Are TOTW cards extra expensive or are most of the new ones 500k?
How many 90’s to do a MF set for a 92? And do you get a fantasy pack of the 90’s? Or do you get the same 90’s you put in?
Thanks in advance fellas
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First of all, who was the genius who thought it was a good idea to organize sets this way? They look like a mess.
What are the changes to solo battles this year? I heard they’re different than the last couple years and maybe not worth doing.
I’m lost with these CP, XP, and other field pass crap. What’s the most efficient to get anywhere in this mode?
What OVR are most teams in H2H currently?
What modes are broken and not worth my time?
Best BND cards or solos to build up my team rather quick? I need a defense so badly.
Does O-line finally matter this year?
What’s the cheese I need to prepare for in H2H?
Are TOTW cards extra expensive or are most of the new ones 500k?
How many 90’s to do a MF set for a 92? And do you get a fantasy pack of the 90’s? Or do you get the same 90’s you put in?
Thanks in advance fellas