
What’s the Deion collectible for? How to get Duck Wings?

Got me out here reminiscing about Darkwing Duck….

Got multiple turkey legs and chicken breasts. Don’t know how to get the wings.

It’s through Harvest XP. Zirk mentioned this in one of his YouTube videos you should get all three for the turducken upon reaching Harvest level 11.

Edited by MutAdoAboutNothing


Appreciate it man. And what do we know about the Deion collectible?


When you put training on Deion you can add that for the card art, no boost or anything


You get all 3 season rewards cards, Casper, Deion, ? And add them to a set for a season master reward card. Probably a 99 ???


Ah ok. I didn’t play season 1 so I won’t worry about it.