The YouTubers aren’t striking again. They missed their pack videos and the views they get.
I’m telling you these prices are fixed back at the EA circus 🎪 which is not supposed to be they are price-fixing cards I said this all the way back to the beginning of the year cards still should not be this expensive but yet they are which explains to you what’s going on here 🦃
I get what all of you are saying but it did seem there was change for most feared. . Seems like they have stepped back since then.
Yeah MF would’ve been a solid promo if it wasn’t for the continued Field Pass / Comp Pass issues. Harvest delved back into ridiculous set requirements and pure ass odds with a garbage TVP. You know it’s trash cause training is actually lower now than when it dropped 😭
Pack strike had a chance maybe to do something, but everyone caved. Even content creators I somewhat respect for their straight takes (Gutfoxx, CC) all magically caved at the same time.
Why do we need FIVE frikn 90s to make a 93 🤷🤷🤷🤷
This promo was ruined from the jump. These masters are too expensive.
Most Feared, honestly, was a really good promo. It looked like they were going to go in the right direction.
Nope 🤷🙅
Do not buy the game out the gate, IS THE ONLY way to get this company to respond, also begin to flood the NFL with the BS that is football Madden.
I saw 2 only 2 art monks on ps5 auction house . Both for around 1.4 million . Something needs to be done with the prices of these legends.
Ahhh Zirksee, OCC, Popular Stranger and the like, I do like the Foxx he is funny and odd. But it is laughable. First of all EA could give two shits about Madden, go and look up the numbers Fifa does. Mut is good in the USA Market, that is about it. Hence, they have completely shut down any approach to the game, besides packs. The only thing that works smoothly, is if you decide to reach into your wallet for your CC to buy some shit. Then, EA has won, hence, why they have many Psychologist on the payroll. They study how to get you to spend. Pretty easy, secret nerfs throughout the season. You will notice a player all of a sudden fall off, then you decide what to do next. Frustration equals us spending money is the approach of EA. As a football fan, Madden to me is modern day chess. But the MUT packs, the youtube clowns and like ruining sports games.
Yea brodie pack strike accomplished nothing and hurt the competitive community. Just another case where casuals f up the game for everybody
Pack strike was such a joke. There is still no QA, major features are consistently not working properly, pack odds got mildly better (as they do naturally anyways) and most important prices are just awful.
But the crazy part is I borderline wouldn’t mind the prices as much if power ups existed because at least you’re building towards and end. But everyone is a rental now.
As soon as pack strike ended they went back to these ridiculous sets where they want 5-6 cards.
Purposely Giving legends wrong archetypes so you have to power them up should be a damn crime.!!!!
This time yall need to send a message to this company. Why are legends still so damn expensive?!?! Was looking at brian Dawkins last night and couldn't believe a non ltd was that expensive.
Again, I truly feel bad for first timers because this is not the mode that has brought us together.