Not sure why this is news to yall I mean EA been shitting on us for years it's just getting worst cause we've been letting them get away with it for so long they like screw it let's bleed them dry.
SB's give 1 cp when they are meant to give two, and two cp when they are meant to give one. Sounds normal for EA, not sure why so many people are suprised lol
And they’ve delayed NCAA football till 2024. Definitely giving us the finger
As most people have pointed out, it does say one CP. The problem is that solo battles haven't functioned for years now. YEARS. Games constantly have disappeared on me. So to take away the 2 CP is suspect especially since they damn well know that S.B."s are messed up for a lot of people. What is going to happen on Thursday, when they have to gate everyone like they have had to multiple times this year? Then only hardcore H2H folks will get any decent rewards. This game will be dead by late December.
Edited by punxss73
I see no issue with 1 cp per victory. If you want to be pissy about anything it would be that they randomly cut you off at game 30 and then it’s 0 cp. Thats not as advertised.
One CP is fine as long as the repeatable tab isn't locked after getting 25 solo battle wins otherwise there no point in playing solo battles past 35 win objective... so hopefully them removing 2 CP per win is a sign they fixed ir..
Cuz it says repeatable it doesn't say Repeatable until 25 solo battle wins
Repeatable means it doesn't have a limit so hopefully this is fixed but knowing ea it isn't..
It’s double XP - not double CP. the Double XP works fine because you can get 300,000 XP instead of the normal 150,000 XP. As far as the 1cp for a SB win - it has always stated that winning a game was 1cp. It was a glitch that was giving us 2cp that has been fixed. I’m not sure what your beef is?
Did they confirm it was a glitch. When it's been happening for a month I would assume it became part of the game.
my CP glitched and after I did the 2 sets my pass went to 190 cp.
I was debating whether I even wanted to play the SB for him. Definitely won’t be grinding H2H a holiday week for a CB5.
Edited by popo919191
No it has nothing to do with not winning online I win more then I lose I'm just not interested in playing gutless cowards who refuse to play the game the way its ment to be played & fair
People who abuse glitches spam plays & cheat online aren't worth my time & I'm a grown man I don't have time to play punk immature kids who weren't thought to play fair.. sorry but im just speaking facts
Lmfaooo you shit the bed cause you made a whole thread about it yourself 3 weeks ago my guy. You must stink at H2H eh? https://www.muthead.com/forums/mut-discussion/320825-solo-battles-no-longer-reward-2-cp/
Guys guys ….
It’s the holidays 🦃🎅 ca mon no fighting 🤷♂️ Especially over this game 🤮.
No not at all I just don't have time for cowardly trolls who bring their toxic trash online
If people can't play a game fair without glitching the computer spamming plays freeze & pause glitch people + use field goal block glitch then you shouldn't be playing madden or video games period
If anyone here do any of this that makes you a POS because it's wrong period & you should be ashamed of yourselves It's the toxicity that is why I don't play online....
Edited by legionofzoom1984
The first one is usually 1CP and rest to 30 are 2CP.
They may have changed it though.
Edited by b_optimal25
Doesn't the field pass say 1 CP per solo win? Seems like that is working as advertised. They also never said double CP. They said double XP. These are not the same thing.
Yes but it was giving out 2cp per win the last 2 months which is much better then the current system...
Edited by legionofzoom1984
It also was t giving coins or trophy packs for winning seasons: Should they revert that back too since they fixed it?
Why are you in here gobbling up so much EA peener 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Stop shit posting and go make it give us 2 cp again, Clint.
Ffs 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
@EA say that the 1cp for a solo win is repeatable(with no limit). that means for a max of 58 games, 58 cp total. for whatever reasons @EA gives us these 58 cp in 30 games(2x1cp+28x2cp). if they force me to win 58 sb in 2 weeks to get the max possible cp out of sb i am done with madden.
Sadly the repeatable is a scam because after 25 wins per every 2 week it stops giving CP so unless this has been fixed there 0 reason to play solo battles past 25 wins for the 2 weeks of the CP unless you are grinding out the objectives
Edited by legionofzoom1984
To get the max reward of anything you have to play the max amount of games. Since when is that new?
Just Completed my 2nd MVP solo battle Game & only got 1 CP for it... So much for getting a free 93CB without playing cheating kids online they better Revert this or I'm officially done with mut...
Plus doesn't appear double CP is working like they promised would start today tru December 5th
EA at its finest..