Who do we see?
Far right is OOP QB Henry. Slinger 1 release, 0AP PLE, 1AP Fearless, 1AP Gunslinger, 0AP HRM - all 4 different buckets……98 THP, 98 SPD
There’s no way to identify any of these. Everything is just a guess.
I believe the one 2nd to the left is Bailey Zappe riding a small goat?
WOW. Santa really likes what the Lions are doing Rodney Peete, FS Megatron, Adrian Peterson, Wayne Walker. Congrats Motor City!
Blurred and black and white. How in the world do the expect people to have a guess?
4 Raiders! Merry Christmas :)
Tim Brown, Bo Jackson, Hendricks, and Hit man Tatum
Edited by Steelcurtain_86
Holy cow these are bad. I have no clue lol
Sean Taylor, Vita Vea HB, Peyton Manning and Ted Hendricks.
Jimmy G and TJ Watt should be getting cards during ZC so it could be them as well.
I don’t think Jimmy G will get one considering he already has a 93
This blurred player cards are cute but this cute game is getting old. Show us the damn cards or don't show us anything at all.
First player looks like Carmichael which would be unfortunate. Sean T definitely looks like the third player from the left and the 4th player looks like a Raider to me.