
Which SS's and where?

Currently using Lynch and Kam at SubLb and Woodson deep. Want to get the new SS Ted. Who do I lose and where do I put people


Hendricks as User Sub-LB unless you play zone and blitz the non-user LB from time to time. Kam is the user in all cases for me. I currently have Kam as User...Taylor as non-user S-LB (my pick up Hendricks and blitz depending on the numbers on the card and cost) Lynch is SS...Atwater at FS (moves to SS in Big Nickel) and Deion at FS when in Big Nickel (Sanders card plays great at FS). Good chance I will pass on Hendricks...don't see the card being any better then what you (and I) currently got.


Ted user only due to 71 man coverage. I want to use him with acrobat next to Taylor at sublb


Ted up front due to height

Ted and Lynch as Sub Nickle

Sean Taylor FS, Darren Woodson SS


Dawkins is awesome in the box with 0AP Enforcer. Woodson can play corner I'm sure


Sean T and Ted deep, Kam and Lynch in the box.


I plan on getting ted today as well. Im gonna start off by playjng big nickel with sean T, kam, atwater, woodson, hendricks as my 5 safties, not really sure who is going where though yet.